Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So... I've gotten sick. I think I may have a sinus infection. I've had little energy and a HORRIBLE headache all day yesterday and today. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be getting out to run today.

It's kind of discouraging. I have tons of ambitions with this, but shit keeps happening that distracts me. ehh.

Monday, April 7, 2008

After some time off...

The last couple weeks have been pretty busy... not that that is a valid excuse, so I haven't really run at all. I've begun again today getting really into it. So here goes...

Distance: about 3 miles
Time: 30 minutes.
Location: Outside- Glenway->Rapid Run->Guerly->Glenway

I haven't checked the actual distance yet, but I will later today. I plan on running that route every MWF. Tues and Thurs I will try and put in a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout. This is actually a 6 week program from The goal of the program is to hyper-boost your metabolism to burn fat. So I will re-evaluate after the 6 weeks to see how effective it was. That will put me at the middle of May. Hope it works.